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in → October – November 2023
for → Design Studio 3
with → Hannah Jeong, Un Jingjang
role → research, interaction design, 3D, motion design, web development

Gathering Sounds is an ongoing sound archive project designed to capture an integral, but often overlooked essence of the human experience: sound. Sounds are intrinsically tied to our everyday lives and how we understand the world around us. This understanding is unique and emotional—it has the ability to transport us through space and time to the places we remember and the people we love. The Gathering Sounds website allows users create 'mix-tapes' by dragging and dropping sound bytes, personally recorded and collected, onto the disc. After 'burning' the disc, it is added to a collection of other mixtapes from people around the world to be listen to.

Coded in HTML, CSS, Javascript. 3D interactions created in Spline. Made possible with the power of teamwork and friendship <3.