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in → Spring 2024
with → Companion—Platform

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lexi and Calvin of Companion—Platform , an independent creative studio developing visual and poetic systems rooted in our natural world. In "Beings of Mutual Flourishing" they highlight how the concept of partnership and mutual flourishing blossom within their design practice. As an integral part of their process, the act of observing helps redirect their attention into thinking about the environments that their works exist and co-exist within. Together, Companion-Platform builds projects that "avoid competing in an 'attention economy' but rather contribute to an 'attention ecology'" as continual students of ecological systems.

From gifts to gardens, Lexi and Calvin reminds us that there are always seeds of opportunity for partnership. Sometimes, we just need to look a little closer to find them. 🌷

See more Companion—Platform ♡ Thank you to Lexi and Calvin for your time and insights into new ways to grow as a designer 🌟